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Instituto Cajal | Dr. Trejo
AutoDiscovery brought relationships to my attention which I'd have never noticed such as the ratio memory/learning...

Dr. Trejo, Cajal Institute (CSIC, Madrid)

Who Is Dr. Trejo?

Dr. Jose Luis Trejo is Doctor of Biological Science at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Since 2005, he is responsible for the Laboratory of Adult Neurogenesis at Cajal Institute (CSIC, Madrid).

The work of the group focuses on both basic and therapeutic aspects of the formation of new neurons in the adult brain. Special attention is given to the effect of the physical exercise and an enriched environment or stress. With this goal, they evaluate hippocampus-dependent learning and memory, anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviours, as well as its impairments during some neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Trejo's Group on 2013

What Problem Did They Face?

In their work "Involvement of specific adult hippocampal neurogenic subpopulations on behavior acquisition and persistence abilities", the group analyzed the relationship between the task acquisition scores and the persistence in the acquired behavior and whether a correlation exists between the composition and number of the different subpopulations of immature neurons in the adult murine hippocampus and those acquisition/persistence behavioral parameters.


They worked full day during more than 8 weeks analysing every correlation between the variables captured. To do that, they used classical statistical packages but very few relevant relationships were identified mainly due to the extremely high amount of manual work required.

Which Was The Contribution Of AutoDiscovery To This Work?

AutoDiscovery took less than 2 hours to find out not only all the correlations that the group had identified during their 8-weeks intensive work but also several key correlations that, with a further confirmatory phase, completed the original hypothesis.


The main AutoDiscovery features applied to this work were:


  • The automatic consolidation of the hippocampal neurogenic results with the learning (Morris Water Maze test) and anxiety (Plus Maze test) tasks information recorded in different Excel files.



  • The automatic results sorting, which greatly helped to minimize type II error and focus the scarce resources of the group in the most relevant findings.


  • The exportation of the relationship table, which facilitated the task of building their own plots for the final paper.

Would you like to contact Dr. Trejo?

Instituto Cajal | Dr. Trejo


Cajal Institute
Avda. Doctor Arce, 37
28002 Madrid


(+34) 91.585.46.51


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